
Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences
--Sylvia Plath

Ean Price Murphy Ean Price Murphy

Are you paying yourself enough? The answer may surprise you.

This is a guest blog post written by Ean Price Murphy, Founder of Moxie Bookkeeping & Coaching Inc.

In her guest blog post, Ean gives us an easy guide to what cash flow is, why you should care and how to make your business permanently profitable.

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Monica Le Baron Monica Le Baron

Simple Tools to Finish the Stress Cycle and Sleep Better

This is a guest blog post written by Monica Le Baron, a certified yoga therapist and sleep coach.

If you're a busy entrepreneur who wants to be more productive, make bigger impact, and feel less worried, this is for you! 

Most people believe that they need to sleep fewer hours and hustle 24/7 to be successful. If that were the case then leaders like Jeff Wiener and Padmasree Warrior would have never used mindfulness tools to boost productivity and run successful businesses. 

Feeling tired, overwhelmed and not being able to get a good night’s rest are just a few stress signs that can lead to burnout.

The good news is that you don’t need tons of time to implement these simple tools that can help you feel calmer, more focused, and wake up with the energy to enjoy life.

Let’s get started!

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Jamal Maxsam Jamal Maxsam

3 Strategies to Improve Clarity and Focus of Your Business

This is a guest blog post written by Jamal Maxsam, the Chief Igniter of Jamal Maxsam L.L.C. where he helps entrepreneurs birth their dream business.

While on the journey of business ownership you may experience cycles, cycles that may move you from clarity to the feeling of confusion then back to clarity. This is not unusual. Things may seem crystal clear then after moving in that direction, implementing the strategy, more questions arise bringing the feeling of not knowing. It is easy in that moment to feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. That is also the time you will have to combat impostor syndrome and all the negative thoughts that accompany it.

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Michelle Pontvert Michelle Pontvert

Anatomy of a Successful Homepage

This is a guest blog post written by Michelle Pontvert, branding and web designer located in Paris.

Knowing that to include, and what not to include on your website’s homepage can be overwhelming. Some sites seem to put everything, as in their whole site, on their homepages. While others take a more minimalist approach. Neither of these approaches is right or wrong, but there are some common guidelines both would do well to follow.

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