Simple Tools to Finish the Stress Cycle and Sleep Better

This is a guest blog post written by Monica Le Baron, a certified yoga therapist and sleep coach.

If you're a busy entrepreneur who wants to be more productive, make bigger impact, and feel less worried, this is for you! 

Most people believe that they need to sleep fewer hours and hustle 24/7 to be successful. If that were the case then leaders like Jeff Wiener and Padmasree Warrior would have never used mindfulness tools to boost productivity and run successful businesses. 

Feeling tired, overwhelmed and not being able to get a good night’s rest are just a few stress signs that can lead to burnout.

The good news is that you don’t need tons of time to implement these simple tools that can help you feel calmer, more focused, and wake up with the energy to enjoy life.

Let’s get started!

Meditate for 60 seconds.

You don’t need more to start. One minute can make a massive difference over time. Training your body and mind to rest and reset in one minute can be very handy to be more focus before a zoom meeting, to calm down when stakes are high with your partner, or to relax after a long work day.

Positive affirmations.

A mantra or positive affirmation is a word, sound, or phrase you repeat over and over to help your brain stay present and positive.  My top 3 mantras are  "I got this,” "I am loved,” and “I am financially free.” Take a moment to create your own and make sure you feel it, believe it, and savor it, just like when you’re imagining a warm chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream or your favorite dessert. 

Yoga Nidra.

Get deep rest and restoration in just 10 minutes! Yoga Nidra got me sleeping again after years of battling insomnia and feeling anxious all the time. You can use Yoga Nidra at any time of day when you need a power nap or use it before going to bed to help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling refreshed. The best part is that you just lie down and listen to it, it’s that simple. Want to try it? Download here my FREE 10-minute Yoga Nidra meditation today.


Sit in a comfortable position, place hands on your belly and notice your breath for 3-5 minutes. Little by little let your exhales be longer than your inhales, this can balance your nervous system, to help you feel more grounded and less reactive.

Free-flow writing. 

First thing in the morning, write down on paper anything that comes to mind. Use the pages to write your goals, ideas, accomplishments, to complain, to talk about your fears or anything that is bothering you. Don't worry if this “brain dump” doesn’t makes sense,  just let your writing flow, and trust the process.

Julia Cameron, the author of “The Artist Way” has written 47 books thanks to Morning Pages.


Honestly, it helps to release tension, clear the mind and finish the stress cycle.  Getting rid of the stressor is not enough, it’s essential to get the stress out of your body.  Screaming, running, walking, meditating, having a good chat with a friend or any of the above tools can all be great ways to finish the stress cycle and tell your body that it is safe. 

It’s important to finish the stress cycle every time there’s a stress trigger, and this can be multiple times a day for most of us. So why not choose a tool and explore it for the following week?   

For accountability, comment below what tool will you be practicing and come back and share your accomplishments (big or small) so we can celebrate with you. 

Avocado hugs,


Check out our real talk about business with Monica. We talked about how critical sleep is for busy entrepreneurs (and everyone else!), the benefits of Yoga Nidra, and the advice she would give to herself as a new entrepreneur.

Monica Le Baron

Monica Le Baron simplifies wellness for busy women so that they can get better quality sleep, have more energy to enjoy life, and unlock powerful self-healing.⁠⁠

She’s a trained and certified yoga therapist who is passionate about sharing the transformative possibilities from simple acts of wellness.⁠⁠

Monica used simple yoga therapy techniques to heal herself from being anxious, chronically stressed, and suffering from insomnia and pain. Short routines of simple yoga therapy techniques helped her become more aware of her body, create a feeling of calm when needed, fall asleep at night, and feel rested in the morning. It was life-changing after so many years of insomnia!⁠⁠

Now that she knows what’s possible from simple yoga therapy techniques, she helps other busy women create their own unique wellness recipes using simple tools and techniques that work for them in their lives.

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