3 Strategies to Improve Clarity and Focus of Your Business

This is a guest blog post written by Jamal Maxsam, the Chief Igniter of Jamal Maxsam L.L.C. where he helps entrepreneurs birth their dream business.

While on the journey of business ownership you may experience cycles, cycles that may move you from clarity to the feeling of confusion then back to clarity. This is not unusual. Things may seem crystal clear then after moving in that direction, implementing the strategy, more questions arise bringing the feeling of not knowing. It is easy in that moment to feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. That is also the time you will have to combat impostor syndrome and all the negative thoughts that accompany it. 

As you battle these thoughts and emotions, you will have to make sure you are securely anchored as a whirlwind of confusion tries to enter your world while looking at how many different methods, frameworks, expert advice, and opinions are available online. It may seem like searching for answers only caused more questions. 

While having easy access to resources and valuable content is a good thing, it can be challenging to sift through the content to find what will work for you. Your situation, while common, is still unique. It is unique to you because you are living it with your unique perspective, experiences, skills, and vision. During these times it is important to stay focused and be okay with not knowing all the answers in the moment.

“Not knowing all the answers does not equal confusion.”

Not knowing all the answers is simply that. You do not know the answer and are searching for it. You can search for answers while having focus and clarity about your business. Entrepreneurship develops you as a person, leads you on a path of self-discovery while discovering the best way to serve your ideal customers or clients. You may also discover who you thought was your ideal customer, actually is not. You may also discover the need to change how you serve your ideal customers as they grow and their needs change.

3 Strategies to Stay Clear and Focused While Growing Your Business

So, how do we stay focused while discovering the solutions that we need to grow our business and move forward? Here are 3 strategies. 

  1. Be clear on your business model. I’m not referring to if your business is registered as an L.L.C. S Corp, etc. I am referring to the structure of your business, are you a consultant, coach, sell physical products, graphic designer, etc. 

    One key to being clear on your business model is to realize what you really offer to your ideal customers. For example, do you sell clothing, or do you provide self confidence through your clothing? There is a difference. This difference will determine how you market and brand your business as well as the type of clothing you offer.

  2. Do a vision dump. Write down every idea that you have for your business. As the ideas come to you, capture them; ponder them. The key is not to try to implement every idea.

  3. Determine which idea is for right now. Some ideas are for now, some are for later, and some are good but are not a fit for you. Also, some may be a downgrade of what you may do more effectively and on a larger scale at a later time.

“Know the difference between a getting started action and a downgrade.”

If you follow these strategies and implement them correctly, you will have more focus on your entrepreneurship journey. 



Igniter of Champion Leaders

Learn more about Jamal at jamalmaxsam.org

Jamal Maxsam

Jamal is a friend and mentor to leaders. He helps small business owners move from scattered exhaustion to energized focus in leading their teams so they can once again feel invigorated while increasing the bottom line and morale simultaneously! He helps them Lead Like A Champion!⁠⁠

Jamal is known for his ability to plan strategically; helping business owners create action steps to accomplish their vision, have their dream team, and unlock their authentic leadership.⁠⁠

Jamal started in business management then shifted to education in order to fulfill the desire to help others reach their full potential. He taught for 9 years then served as a school Principal. ⁠


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